Why ESGCloud?

ESGCloud is a SaaS platform that roots ESG in company performance by connecting ESG effort to competitive strategy and opportunities, and in turn profitability.

Environmental, Social and
Corporate Governance, ESG for short, refers to
the evaluation of a business’ or organisation’s
collective responsibility towards, and impact on, social and environmental factors. ESG reports are becoming critical non-financial factors that investors look at to assess the risk profile of companies and generate sustainable long-term financial returns from an investment.

Environmental criteria examine environmental stewardship to determine conservation efforts and sustainability practices that affect nature, the environment and the planet.

Social criteria are factors that arise in the
relations between a company, its people, suppliers, customers and communities where it operates.

Governance covers broad activities pertaining to board and management structures, policies, standards, information disclosure, auditing and compliance.

ESGCloud software simplifies this reporting. It enables the collection, management and analysis of data from multiple operations, providing a single source of ESG truth from which disclosures against global frameworks can be made. ESGCloud ensures that companies report on the topics that are most material to their operations and allows them to set benchmarks based on accurate data points, providing a reference point for transparency.


Leverage ESGCloud’s pre-configured templates or upload your own ESG reporting templates to bring consistency to your ESG reporting content, and report against any international standard. ESGCloud’s consistent and reliable reporting tools promote high-quality data, enabling your organisation to make the right ESG decisions.


Gather high quality ESG data from global operations though a robust scheduling and notification engine, and aggregate that data at various levels of your organisation in a way that allows you to tell your ESG story. Drill down and segment your information by industry, topic, or location to improve transparency and maximise outcomes.


ESGCloud’s software enables your organisation to manage and report on the topics that are most material to its operations, all in one place. This allows your organisation to set benchmarks and manage targets based on accurate data points, while tracking risks and opportunities throughout the lifecycle of an initiative.

Reasons to partner with us

ESGCloud – the ultimate ESG benchmarking tool to streamline, monitor, track and manage ESG data in your organisation.

Standardise reporting with ESGCloud

Standardise reporting


Our software is preloaded with various reporting options.

Transform and digitise your ESG data. Leverage pre-configured templates or upload existing reporting formats to ensure that all of your ESG reporting requirements are met. ESGCloud brings consistency to your ESG data by forming the central point through which your data is gathered.

Share compelling ESG stories by aggregating data at multiple levels of your organisation in interactive dashboards. Create value by visualising your organisation’s efforts in real time, reducing reporting timeframes.

  • Create consistent, high-quality data
  • Aggregate data from multiple levels
  • Tell your ESG story

Standardise reporting


Our software is preloaded with various reporting options.

Transform and digitise your ESG data. Leverage pre-configured templates or upload existing reporting formats to ensure that all of your ESG reporting requirements are met. ESGCloud brings consistency to your ESG data by forming the central point through which your data is gathered.

Share compelling ESG stories by aggregating data at multiple levels of your organisation in interactive dashboards. Create value by visualising your organisation’s efforts in real time, reducing reporting timeframes.

  • Create consistent, high-quality data
  • Aggregate data from multiple levels
  • Tell your ESG story
Standardise reporting with ESGCloud

Drive ESG initiatives


Manage your ESG action plan in one platform

Create accountability for ESG risks and opportunities by managing them in one platform. ESG action plans can be managed across multiple locations, tracking risks and opportunities throughout the lifecycle of an investment to ensure maximum value is created.

The software becomes the central point for ensuring your ESG strategy is distributed throughout your operations. Set ESG initiatives and ensure they are filtered down to operational level.

  • Manage ESG action plans
  • Track value creation initiatives
  • Create ESG accountability
Manage your ESG action plan in one platform

Track major events


Protect the reputation of your organisation by monitoring major events.

Get a consolidated view of ESG events that may have an impact on company performance and reputation, by reporting and monitoring major incidents and grievances. Analyse event data from fragmented operations in one central dashboard.

Schedule and manage all internal and external stakeholder engagements in ESGCloud, and save time and effort by managing 
the initiatives that come out of these engagements, in one portal.

  • Protect company reputation
  • Report and monitor major incidents and grievances
  • Manage stakeholder engagements

Track major events


Protect the reputation of your organisation by monitoring major events.

Get a consolidated view of ESG events that may have an impact on company performance and reputation, by reporting and monitoring major incidents and grievances. Analyse event data from fragmented operations in one central dashboard.

Schedule and manage all internal and external stakeholder engagements in ESGCloud, and save time and effort by managing 
the initiatives that come out of these engagements, in one portal.

  • Protect company reputation
  • Report and monitor major incidents and grievances
  • Manage stakeholder engagements

Align with international frameworks


Link material ESG disclosures to any international sustainability framework.

The non-financial reporting landscape can be confusing and is constantly evolving. ESGCloud allows you to align disclosures with any number of frameworks, removing duplication of work while improving ability to measure operations against various standards.

The software enables the collection, management and analysis of data from global locations, providing a consistent source of ESG truth from where disclosures against international frameworks can be made.

  • Align with international frameworks
  • Adjust to the ever changing reporting landscape
  • Create a consistent source of ESG data

Consistent ESG data drives value creation


ESGCloud is a scalable solution that works for any sized organisation. From small to medium sized asset managers that want to drive their initiatives throughout their portfolio, to large companies that need to standardise and aggregate data across fragmented operations.

Fund Manager

Key Issue

“We cannot deliver timely and high quality ESG data to our stakeholders in order to tell our ESG story”


  • Our data sets are spread across multiple excel spreadsheets and third party software platforms.
  • We do not trust the quality of our data, it is inconsistent due to different reporting methodologies in different parts of our portfolio.
  • ESG indicators are constantly changing and our systems are not agile enough to cater for the disruption.
  • We spend weeks trying to align our data to various ESG reporting frameworks (GRI, SASB, etc.).


  • A centralised application that facilitates consistent ESG data collection from all reporting entities.
  • I need to be able to standardise and schedule reporting requests so my ESG data remains high quality and up to date.
  • My ESG data needs to be aggregated across all reporting entities and locations, with the ability to drill down for insight.
  • The ability to isolate data per reporting framework, so that my ESG story makes sense to various stakeholders.

Head of Sustainability

Key Issue

“We are not able to drive value creation by managing ESG risks and opportunities throughout our portfolio”


  • We identify ESG risks and opportunities during our screening processes, but I have very little view of how they evolve during the lifecycle of an investment.
  • My ESG action plan is defined at a strategic level, but it is very difficult to ensure that it is promulgated throughout our portfolio.
  • We have no way of creating accountability for the ESG initiatives we want to drive throughout our portfolio.
  • I am not able to track ESG trends across our operations, meaning I have very little data on which to base my ESG decisions.


  • A consolidated view of all of the initiatives we are driving, throughout our portfolio.
  • The ability to assign responsibility to ESG actions within each reporting entity, meaning that there is accountability for ensuring our ESG vision is achieved.
  • An application with a built in notification engine, that notifies me when an action deadline is close to due date.
  • An application that allows me to track trends in ESG data, giving me some insight into past and future performance.

Chief Executive Officer

Key Issue

“I need to protect the reputation of our company by ensuring ESG related risks and opportunities are reported on and monitored, and at the same time provide timeous ESG data to our stakeholders”


  • It is difficult to get a consolidated view of ESG events that may have an impact on company performance and reputation.
  • Tracking and driving actions out of engagements with various stakeholders regarding ESG is difficult and time consuming.
  • We have a responsibility to our employees, clients, community and shareholders to ensure our company operates responsibly, I have no simple way of reporting on that responsibility.
  • We often get lost in the multitude of ESG frameworks, and spend time reporting on information that is not material to our operations.


  • A central point where major ESG events can be reported and tracked so I can get a real time view of reputational risk.
  • I meet with multiple stakeholders in different capacities, and I would love the ability manage the outcomes of those engagements in one platform.
  • An application that makes high quality ESG data readily available, so that I can report on sustainability requirements to current and potential stakeholders.
  • A simple solution that allows us to select indicators that are material to our industry, and then consistently report on them.

Head of ESG

Key Issue

“ESG reporting is somewhat new to our operations, and while we believe in the value it can create, it can be quite confusing for most of our workforce”


  • The ever changing ESG space makes it is difficult to determine what type of data to gather.
  • We often get requests to gather certain pieces of ESG data on short notice, and without a central system for gathering that information, we often fail to fulfil that request.
  • Our stakeholder ESG reporting requirements can become quite onerous, and it is difficult to deliver timeous high quality data without avoiding normal business disruption.
  • Keeping our ESG data up to date is difficult, we gather data from a number of different departments whose core responsibility is not ESG.


  • Access to a library of ESG content and pre-configured templates, allowing us to leverage off best practice methods.
  • A notification engine to keep up to date with stakeholder reporting requirements, as well as prompt our employees to update ESG data at required intervals.
  • A simple, easy to use application that allows for the capture or import of ESG data without any user training.
  • The ability to set and schedule questionnaires so that ESG data collection does not become a burden, but rather a planned activity.
See your ESG in Action

Digitise and transform your ESG reporting. We look forward to talking to you about your business goals and technology needs and showing you our ESG management and benchmarking solution.


See your ESG in Action

Digitise and transform your ESG reporting. We look forward to talking to you about your business goals and technology needs and showing you our ESG management and benchmarking solution.


ESG solutions for any business


ESGCloud is the culmination of decades of Environmental, Social and Governance research and development.

Strong Environmental, Social and Governance, or ESG, underpins today’s organisations, with these risks and opportunities now increasingly acknowledged on the global risk landscape. As the role of companies in society continues to come under scrutiny, ESG management is at the heart of the strategic and operational issues that are critical to your organisation’s long-term sustainability.

ESGCloud is a scalable solution that works for any organisation, from small to medium-sized private equity asset managers who want to track and manage their Environmental, Social and Governance initiatives, to large companies that need to standardise and aggregate their ESG data across fragmented operations.

Large organisations may be required to report their ESG-related data on behalf of investors, shareholders, or to fulfil listing reporting requirements. Disclosure of accurate, standardised ESG information is a key part of these organisations’ licence to operate.

ESG solutions for any business


ESGCloud is the culmination of decades of Environmental, Social and Governance research and development.

Strong Environmental, Social and Governance, or ESG, underpins today’s organisations, with these risks and opportunities now increasingly acknowledged on the global risk landscape. As the role of companies in society continues to come under scrutiny, ESG management is at the heart of the strategic and operational issues that are critical to your organisation’s long-term sustainability.

ESGCloud is a scalable solution that works for any organisation, from small to medium-sized private equity asset managers who want to track and manage their Environmental, Social and Governance initiatives, to large companies that need to standardise and aggregate their ESG data across fragmented operations.

Large organisations may be required to report their ESG-related data on behalf of investors, shareholders, or to fulfil listing reporting requirements. Disclosure of accurate, standardised ESG information is a key part of these organisations’ licence to operate.