The smart way to report on Environmental, Social and Governance for your business.


ESGCloud is a mobile-friendly and offline capable ESG reporting and management software. Empower frontline workers and improve worker participation, by taking ESGCloud’s software into the field. ESGCloud is a web-based tool that you can access on any smart device.

Make the right investment. ESGCloud provides an accurate picture of the governance health of the business, and allows you to make better decisions based on predictive analytics.

Effectively manage your businesses investments in corporate social responsibility and sustainability.


Standardise reporting

Our software is preloaded with various reporting options ideally suited to companies in South Africa.


Drive ESG initiatives

Manage your ESG action plan in one platform


Track major events

Protect the reputation of your organisation by monitoring major events.


Align with international frameworks

Link material ESG disclosures to any international sustainability framework.


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A 30-minute demo could transform your business!

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